Saudi Crown Prince, US Secretary of Defense discuss troop deployment

Saudi Crown Prince, US Secretary of Defense discuss troop deployment

:: Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman received a phone call on Wednesday from the US Secretary of Defense during which they discussed ongoing arrangements to send US troops of a More »

Saudi Energy Minister confirms restoration of Kingdom’s gas production capacity

Saudi Energy Minister confirms restoration of Kingdom’s gas production capacity

:: Saudi Arabia’s Minister of Energy confirmed on Wednesday the restoration of production capacity, affirming the Kingdom’s position as a reliable energy supplier in the global market. The energy minister, Prince Abdulaziz More »

Egypt calls Erdogan statements ‘ironic,’ accuses Turkey of sponsoring terrorism

Egypt calls Erdogan statements ‘ironic,’ accuses Turkey of sponsoring terrorism

:: Egypt’s foreign ministry spokesman, Ahmed Hafez, slammed Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s statements at the UN General Assembly this week where he urged the UN to “handle the suspicious death of More »

Saudi Crown Prince: Attacks are test of int’l resolve against destructive acts

Saudi Crown Prince: Attacks are test of int’l resolve against destructive acts

:: Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman said on Wednesday that the attacks on Saudi Aramco oil facilities are a test of international resolve in the face of destructive acts that More »

Saudi Crown Prince says attacks on oil facilities are a ‘dangerous escalation’

Saudi Crown Prince says attacks on oil facilities are a ‘dangerous escalation’

:: Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman said the recent attacks on Saudi Aramco facilities represented a “dangerous escalation not only toward the Kingdom but also the entire world.” The Crown More »


Tag Archives: Yemen

Yemeni boy separated from his parasitic twin

A team of 15 doctors here successfully separated a Yemeni boy from his parasitic twin in a two-and-a-half hour operation on Wednesday. The team, led by Abdullah Al-Rabeeah, the former health minister known worldwide for his skills in this medical

Middle East reality: An inconvenient truth for Obama

Joyce Karam

By : Joyce Karam Characterizing events from Yemen to Syria to Libya as a “transformation that will play out for a generation, rooted in conflicts that date back millennia” is not only a reality distortion by U.S. President Barack Obama,

Egypt extends participation in Yemen conflict for up to one year

Egypt’s national defense council on Thursday extended the military’s participation in the Saudi-led operation in Yemen for up to one year, the presidency said in a statement. “The national defence council agreed to extend the participation of the required elements

10 Yemeni ex-Guantanamo inmates arrive in Oman

Ten Yemeni former inmates at the U.S. detention centre in Guantanamo Bay arrived in Oman Thursday for a “temporary stay” as Washington moves to close the notorious prison, Muscat’s foreign ministry said. Oman has received the men “in response to

Security officer for Aden’s airport killed in front of his home

An investigative officer working for Aden’s airport was killed by unknown gunmen late Tuesday in front of his house in the war-torn country’s second city, Al Arabiya News Channel reported on Wednesday. Two other policemen were also killed by gunmen

Saudi aid to Taez arrives to besieged Yemeni city

A Saudi aid dispatch consisting of 40 tons of medicine and food has arrived on Wednesday in the besieged Yemeni city of Taez, Al Arabiya News Channel reported on Wednesday. The aid was granted from the King Salman Humanitarian Aid

Yemen peace talks postponed: U.N.

Yemen peace talks originally slated for Jan. 14 will not happen on that date but may be held a week or more later, U.N. spokesman Ahmad Fawzi told a regular U.N. briefing in Geneva on Tuesday. “The 14th was mentioned

Yemen ISIS-linked militants kill senior officer in Aden

Yemen’s ISIS-linked militants say they have killed a senior security officer in the southern port city of Aden. The militants on Monday said in an online statement that they killed Col. Ali Saleh al-Yafie and posted photographs purported to show

Houthis accused of arbitrary detentions: HRW

Human Rights Watch on Sunday accused Yemen’s Houthi militias of arbitrarily detaining dozens of opponents in the capital Sanaa, where they have ruled for more than 15 months. The Iran-backed militias detained 35 people between August 2014 and October 2015,

Next round of Yemen peace talks postponed: minister

The next round of peace talks between Yemen’s government and Iran-backed Houthi militia scheduled for next week have been postponed, Foreign Minister Abdel Malak al-Mekhlafi said Saturday. “The negotiations will not take place on the announced date of Jan. 14,”

Houthis, Saleh blamed for peace talks delay

Yemen’s government said on Saturday that peace talks due to be held on Jan. 14 would most probably be postponed beyond that date. Spokesman Rajeh Badi said the announcement by former president Ali Abdullah Saleh that he would not take

Yemen rescinds expulsion of U.N. rights official

Yemen told the United Nations on Friday that it has rescinded its decision to expel the leading U.N. rights official in the country, diplomats said. The Yemeni foreign ministry announced a day earlier that it had declared George Abu al-Zulof

Saudi deputy crown prince: Houthi games uncovered

While Saudi Arabia’s Deputy Crown Prince’s statements on Iran made headlines on Friday, Prince Mohammed bin Salman took time to update on coalition efforts in Yemen during an interview with the Economist. Prince Mohammed bin Salman said that “the first

Yemen seizes crucial port from Houthi militias

Troops loyal to Yemeni President Abdrabbu Mansour Hadi seized a Red Sea port town on Wednesday in the country’s northwest following fierce fighting with Iran-backed Shiite militias, a military chief said. “We have full control of the port and the

Saudi coalition to probe Iran embassy claim

The Saudi-led coalition fighting in Yemen will investigate an accusation by Iran that coalition jets targeted the Islamic republic’s embassy in Sanaa on Wednesday night, coalition spokesman Brigadier General Ahmed Asseri said. Coalition jets carried out heavy strikes in Sanaa

Saudi Arabia says it shot down missile fired from Yemen

Saudi Arabia says it has shot down a missile fired into the kingdom from nearby Yemen, which is engulfed in a civil war. The Saudi military says it intercepted the missile Thursday morning in Jizan province and later attacked and

South Yemen officials survive bombing

Three senior south Yemeni officials survived a car bombing that targeted their convoy in the port city of Aden on Tuesday and killed two of their guards, security sources said. Seven other guards were wounded when the bomb-laden vehicle exploded

Saudi-Turkish cooperation: Opportunities and challenges

Raghida Dergham

By : Raghida Dergham The strategic cooperation council established by Saudi Arabia and Turkey is one step above a bilateral alliance, and its goal goes beyond restoring balance to Sunni forces in Iraq and Syria, and thus requires an in-depth

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