Saudi minister meets Latin American scholar

Saudi Islamic Affairs Minister Sheikh Abdullatif Al-Asheikh receives Ahmed ben Ali Saifi, head of the Islamic Dawah Center in Latin America and the Caribbean, in Riyadh on Tuesday.
:: Ahmed ben Ali Saifi, head of the Islamic Dawah Center in Latin America and the Caribbean, called on Saudi Islamic Affairs Minister Sheikh Abdullatif Al-Asheikh at his office on Tuesday.
Welcoming the visiting scholar, the Saudi minister said the Kingdom under the leadership of King Salman and Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman has been extending a helping hand to all Islamic centers and associations across the world to promote moderate values, tolerance and peaceful coexistence.
Ali Saifi lauded the efforts of Saudi Arabia in supporting Muslims all over the world. He also praised the Kingdom’s generous support to the annual International Conference of Latin American and Caribbean Muslims. He said his center and all its branches pledge their support to Saudi Arabia against unjust campaigns targeting its security and sovereignty. At the 31st session of the international conference held in Sao Paulo, Brazil, participants called for rejecting extremism and terrorism and upholding universal Islamic principles in order to preserve the spirit of Islamic tradition and correct misconceptions.
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