Iraq seeks UN resolution to investigate ISIS

Weapons confiscated from ISIS militants on display at Iraqi military intelligence directorate in Baghdad, on August 9, 2017.
:: Iraqi Foreign Minister Ibrahim al-Jaafari called upon the international community to gather and preserve evidence of crimes committed by ISIS organization, stressing that the Iraqi government wants to prosecute ISIS militants before Iraqi judiciary.
Baghdad is working with Britain to draft a resolution in the UN Security Council in order to conduct the investigation.
Lawyer Amal Clooney, who works with one of the Yazidi victims, expressed her hope that the Iraqi government’s message would be the beginning of the end for the culture of eluding retribution when it comes to genocide and other crimes committed by ISIS in Iraq and the rest of the world.
Religious minority
Britain’s deputy ambassador Jonathan Allen confirmed the move, adding: “We are going to work with them and with our partners in the Security Council to bring forward a resolution that will achieve just that, leaving no hiding place for ISIS anywhere”.
He declined to specify a timeline for the resolution. British human rights lawyer Amal Clooney, who has advocated for the rights of Iraq’s Yazidi religious minority which suffered mass killings as well as sexual enslavement by ISIS, said: “Yazidis and other ISIS victims want justice in a court of law and they deserve nothing less,” using another acronym for the group.
“I hope that the Iraqi government’s letter will mark the beginning of the end of impunity for genocide and other crimes that ISIS is committing in Iraq and around the world.”

A boy from the minority Yazidi sect, worships at a Yazidi shrine which is being rebuilt after it was destroyed by ISIS, in Bashiqa, a town near Mosul, on August 8, 2017.
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