UAE National Day: United we stand, united we succeed

Khalaf Ahmad Al Habtoor
Khalaf Ahmad Al Habtoor

Khalaf Ahmad Al Habtoor

By : Khalaf Ahmad Al Habtoor

Dec. 2, 1971 was much more than a simple signing of a treaty, it changed our lives forever. It broke down not only physical borders and barriers, but over time it brought the leaders of seven neighboring states together as one body, moving in the same direction towards peace and prosperity. And what an incredible journey it has been! Some call it miraculous.

Working hand-to-hand, we turned desert wastelands and small fishing villages into magnificent modern metropolises. Whereas we once dug wells for water, today we have spectacular fountains, waterways, vast green spaces and flower-lined streets. Every modern innovation is available in this land of opportunity, the envy of the region and the world.

Most importantly, Emiratis and foreign residents alike, have the advantage of living in safety in a country that perfectly balances freedom with security, a country that is free of corruption, one that is admired for its honesty and transparency.

It always saddens me each time I hear foreign human rights organizations criticize the Emirates for running a tight ship in a climate where danger lurks ready to strike. This is a country of laws. We have rules meant to keep people safe, so they can enjoy life to the full without fear. Such laws and rules are well publicized and those who wilfully break them know they will face justice.

Dealing with the global terrorist threat

Our government is right to deal harshly with those seeking to do us harm before they have an opportunity to implement their plots.

Khalaf Ahmad Al Habtoor

We are not an open house for criminals or spies. We do not accept our children to be harassed by drug dealers. We welcome all visitors with open arms as long as they respect our cultural norms. And at a grave moment in history when Europe is vulnerable to terrorist attacks and rightly pulling up the drawbridge, due to sheer geographical proximity to the terrorists’ breeding grounds, our government is right to deal harshly with those seeking to do us harm before they have an opportunity to implement their plots.

In truth, were Arab countries splintering from terrorism, sectarianism and secessionists to emulate the inclusive spirit of the United Arab Emirates where people of all nationalities and religions live together in harmony, the area would be devoid of conflicts.

Wars not only destroy a nation’s economic growth and its infrastructure, it envelops the souls of its citizens with a cloud of hopelessness, pessimism and consumes their inherent love of a country. The Emirates is always willing to assist its fellow Arab states to emerge from a dark tunnel in the same way it is currently supporting Egypt emerging from four years of turmoil on its economic blueprint.

A shining example

And once the bombs stop falling and the nests of terrorists are eradicated, it is my hope that they will look to our country as a shining example and seek our expertise in bringing people together pulling in the same direction instead of pulling apart.

That requires a certain type of leadership, one in which its citizen’s needs are paramount. People need to be educated and made to understand that western-style democracy cannot be transplanted; we have seen how that has worked in the years since the misnamed ‘Arab Spring’ which turned reasonably stable Arab states with rich natural resources into impoverished hotbeds of violence and terrorism. When we look around us, our hearts go out to the suffering of so many of our Arab brothers and sisters, but at the same time we must thank our lucky stars that we are not in the same boat.

Actually, the stability we enjoy has less to do with luck than our hybrid system of governance allowing our leaders to make fast decisions in cases of emergency without having to plead with lawmakers as Britain’s David Cameron is now doing to get permission to bomb Daesh, which is threatening his country’s shores and has already attacked Britain’s major ally France. Will the British Parliament still be debating if, God forbid, London comes under attack?

Arab leaderships must develop sufficient confidence to formulate a way of government that suits their country’s unique demands instead of bowing to the demands of foreign powers to work towards becoming clones. They should not favor one community or sect over another but should endeavor to envelop all under one flag, just as the Emirates has always done.

Founding fathers

For this we owe our abiding gratitude for the initiative of the UAE’s founding fathers the late Ruler of Abu Dhabi, Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, and Dubai’s late ruler Sheikh Rashid bin Saeed Al Maktoum. These great men understood the importance of unity and together strove to achieve what to others seemed like an impossible dream. They treated all citizens like their own children. They nurtured our soil as if it was their own gardens. Their legacy of care was inherited by their sons who guide us ever onwards and upwards today.

They taught us that with the strength of will combined with imagination there is no mountain too high to climb. I was privileged to know them. Their wise words of advice will always be inscribed on my mind. They exchanged separation for solidarity and it is that feeling of ‘one for all and all for one’ that binds us so tightly together that we are invincible. The close collaboration between the Emiratis, people and leadership is not only exemplary, but also rare, and especially so in the troubled neighborhood in which we live.

Nov. 30th, ‘Martyrs’ Day’ commemorated our courageous soldiers’ selfless duty and reminds us that some of our bravest and best are no longer with us. No one understands the importance of service to the country more than me. I was ready to take up arms in 1990 when Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait had I been called to defend my country. I am proud that some of my grandsons have recently enrolled in the UAE Army where they are learning self-discipline, brotherhood and greater love of our precious soil.

Finally, I salute our leaders, our young men in uniform prepared for the ultimate sacrifice and our people, who have committed their talents over the past 44 years to making the United Arab Emirates a success story beyond parallel. I pray for the safety, security and sustainability of our growth and the leading position we are forging in the world. And I am sure that whatever fate throws in our way our unity of purpose will ensure we will always prevail.

Khalaf Ahmad al-Habtoor is a prominent UAE businessman and public figure. He is Chairman of the Al Habtoor Group – one of the most successful conglomerates in the Gulf. Al Habtoor is renowned for his knowledge and views on international political affairs; his philanthropic activity; his efforts to promote peace; and he has long acted as an unofficial ambassador for his country abroad. Writing extensively on both local and international politics, he publishes regular articles in the media and has released a number of books. Al-Habtoor began his career as an employee of a local UAE construction firm and in 1970 established his own company, Al Habtoor Engineering. The UAE Federation, which united the seven emirates under the one flag for the first time, was founded in 1971 and this inspired him to undertake a series of innovative construction projects – all of which proved highly successful.

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