A land of festivities and rich heritage

Visitors are fascinated by a variety of landscapes and regions. Mountain ranges provide an unforgettable experience.

Visitors are fascinated by a variety of landscapes and regions. Mountain ranges provide an unforgettable experience.

Relaxation, adventure, emotion, culture, hospitality, encounters, landscape, beauty, nature, heritage, thrills, history, tranquility…

France is waiting for you, ready to share its way of living “à la française” with you, always with the same enthusiasm.

There’s certainly more than a hint of diversity in a country which boasts three seas, three oceans, five mountain ranges, a handful of overseas territories and around 5,500km of coastline.

This incredibly varied country is home to landscapes, regions, cultures and sites which are as different one from another as they are interconnected.

From the rocky inlets of the Mediterranean to the cliffs of Normandy or the vast beaches of the North Sea, not forgetting French Overseas Territories and their heavenly shores, France is also a mountainous country.

Arid and almost lunar-like at the summit of the Alps or the Pyrenees, the mountains soften elsewhere with the green curves of Auvergne’s chain of former volcanoes or the Ballon d’Alsace.

In the valleys and plains, rivers wend their way through towns and across countryside scattered with

Everywhere the much admired heritage of France reflects both its history and its positive attitude toward the future.

Each region bears witness to France’s rich cultural and artistic heritage.

Each region bears witness to France’s rich cultural and artistic heritage.

Because France has many hidden sides and every visit is unique: lively, creative, authentic, audacious, heavenly… it is up to you to discover your France.

Long beaches in the north, a rocky coastline to the west and wild creeks in the south offer plenty of opportunities for sand-yachting, thalassotherapy treatments, surfing and sailing along the Mediterranean coast.

Inland France also boasts numerous attractions, with no fewer than 46 regional nature reserves, as well as rivers and streams which create diverse landscapes such as the Tarn gorges and the banks of the Loire.

Wedged between two valleys, the high mountain peaks and foothills of the country offer a wide choice of exciting activities and adventures in summer and winter alike.

For example, France is home to the legendary Vallée Blanche (white valley) which lies in the heart of the Mont Blanc mountain range.

France is a destination of history and memory.

Visitors can also enjoy a rendezvous with France’s fascinating historical sites.

Roll back the years and the centuries for an unforgettable experience through time.

Castles, museums, cathedrals and monuments are dotted throughout the country.

Each region, department, town and village bears witness to the country’s rich cultural and artistic heritage.

With attractions such as the Louvre museum, Loire castles, Mont-Saint-Michel and Lascaux caves,
France is a veritable open-air museum which is home to no fewer than 38 UNESCO World Heritage sites.

From the pre-historic caves of Lascaux to the mines of the north, east and center, via the Celtic dolmens of Brittany, travel the length and breadth of a land charged with history.

Enjoy a Rendez-vous with France’s rich culture.

Enjoy internationally renowned festivals such as those in Cannes, Avignon and Marciac, or events such as the Fête de la Musique, Heritage Days and Fête de la Gastronomie.

In France, enjoy unexpected, lively and fascinating experiences.

The land of romanticism is also the land of festivities: traditional, artistic, musical…

Along the rivers, in the large metropolizes or on rural tracks, even the most secluded spots in France are bought to life during the local festivities. Here fireworks light up the ramparts of a castle, there the beat of an outdoor ball gets young and old alike dancing.

In France, tradition goes hand in hand with audacity, art with modernity, gastronomy with innovation, the past with the present. Lastly, enjoy those special experiences which are unique to France. Fashion and gastronomy are just a few of the things which help to forge the identity of France.

Surfing and sailing along the coastline is a wonderful experience for tourists and residents.

Surfing and sailing along the coastline is a wonderful experience for tourists and residents.


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