Saudi Crown Prince, US Secretary of Defense discuss troop deployment

Saudi Crown Prince, US Secretary of Defense discuss troop deployment

:: Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman received a phone call on Wednesday from the US Secretary of Defense during which they discussed ongoing arrangements to send US troops of a More »

Saudi Energy Minister confirms restoration of Kingdom’s gas production capacity

Saudi Energy Minister confirms restoration of Kingdom’s gas production capacity

:: Saudi Arabia’s Minister of Energy confirmed on Wednesday the restoration of production capacity, affirming the Kingdom’s position as a reliable energy supplier in the global market. The energy minister, Prince Abdulaziz More »

Egypt calls Erdogan statements ‘ironic,’ accuses Turkey of sponsoring terrorism

Egypt calls Erdogan statements ‘ironic,’ accuses Turkey of sponsoring terrorism

:: Egypt’s foreign ministry spokesman, Ahmed Hafez, slammed Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s statements at the UN General Assembly this week where he urged the UN to “handle the suspicious death of More »

Saudi Crown Prince: Attacks are test of int’l resolve against destructive acts

Saudi Crown Prince: Attacks are test of int’l resolve against destructive acts

:: Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman said on Wednesday that the attacks on Saudi Aramco oil facilities are a test of international resolve in the face of destructive acts that More »

Saudi Crown Prince says attacks on oil facilities are a ‘dangerous escalation’

Saudi Crown Prince says attacks on oil facilities are a ‘dangerous escalation’

:: Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman said the recent attacks on Saudi Aramco facilities represented a “dangerous escalation not only toward the Kingdom but also the entire world.” The Crown More »


Tag Archives: Yemen

The Yemen conflict will require more U.N. involvement

Manuel Almeida

By : Manuel Almeida In recent interviews and press conferences, the U.N. Secretary-General’s Special Envoy to Yemen, the Mauritanian diplomat Ismail Ould Cheik Ahmed, has explained the U.N.-brokered plan to bring Yemen’s warrying parties to the negotiating table. It involves

Saudi denies coalition hit Yemen MSF hospital

Saudi Arabia on Wednesday denied that coalition air strikes hit a hospital in Yemen run by medical charity MSF after the attack was condemned by U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon. The hospital in the northern city of Saada was hit

KSA relief is reaching all Yemenis, without prejudice

The King Salman Center for Relief and Humanitarian Works is providing aid and services to Yemenis, regardless of their religious views, backgrounds, economic status or geographical location, says an official. “The relief center is making all efforts to provide help

Yemen to request joining GCC after restoring stability

Yemeni Minister of Planning Mohammed Maytami said Yemen will apply to join the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) after security is restored in the country. In an interview with Al-Arabiya, the minister said Yemeni President Abdrabbu Mansur Hadi will submit an

Saudi-led coalition drops weapons for allies in Yemen

Warplanes from a Saudi-led coalition bombed the Iran-allied Houthi movement across Yemen on Wednesday and dropped weapons to Islamist militias battling the group, a day after being accused of bombing the hospital of an international medical aid charity. Saudi Arabia

Military solution ‘impossible’ in parts of Mideast

A military solution is “impossible” in parts of the Middle East, U.S. CIA chief John Brennan said, arguing that it was hard to picture effective central governments in some countries as they exist today. Brennan, who spoke at an intelligence

Including Yemen in the GCC

Abdulrahman al-Rashed

By : Abdulrahman al-Rashed The population of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries will be 70 million if Yemen, whose population is 25 million, joins. Its inclusion will strengthen the GCC geopolitically as it will overlook all sea lanes in

Bomber kills militiamen in Aden; leaflets demand gender segregation at university

A suspected Al-Qaeda suicide bomber killed two militiamen on Monday at a checkpoint in the southern Yemeni city of Aden, already beset by violence, a security source said. The bomber approached the militiamen as they were inspecting cars at a

Saudi aid official wants Yemen ceasefire

Saudi Arabia would like to see a ceasefire in Yemen to allow for the delivery of humanitarian aid, but it does not trust the Houthi rebels to abide by such a truce, the head of a Saudi center that coordinates

Yemeni forces make gains in Taiz

Yemeni forces loyal to the internally recognized President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi made gains on Sunday in the southwestern city of Taiz after days of intense battles with Houthi militants, a local official and residents said. The Iran-backed Haddi supporters, who

No time to waste on Yemen peace talks, says U.N.

The U.N. special envoy for Yemen said Friday he would begin working immediately with the government and militia leaders to determine an agenda and date for peace talks, but warned a “catastrophic” humanitarian crisis loomed. Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed told

Hundreds of Houthis, Saleh supporters captured

The commander of the Border Guards in Asir, Brig. Gen. Safar bin Ahmad Al-Ghamdi, said Saudi forces defeated a number of Houthi militias and forces affiliated with deposed President Ali Abdullah Saleh and captured hundreds of fighters. Al-Ghamdi said Saudi

Sudan sends ground troops to Yemen to boost Saudi-led coalition

A battalion of Sudanese troops arrived in Yemen’s southern port city of Aden on Saturday, military officials said, bolstering Saudi-led Arab forces trying to keep out the Iran-backed Houthis and curb the growing presence of Islamist militants. Aden, a strategic

Yemen govt agrees to talks with Houthis, Saleh

Yemen’s government will attend U.N.-sponsored talks with the Houthis and supporters of deposed leader Ali Abdullah Saleh, a government spokesperson said on Sunday, in a fresh bid to end months of fighting that has killed more than 5,000 people. “The

Sudanese troops arrive in Yemen to help fight Houthi

Hundreds of Sudanese troops arrived in Yemen’s southern port city of Aden on Saturday, the first batch of an expected 10,000 reinforcements for the Saudi-led coalition fighting the country’s Shiite Houthi rebels, security officials said. The troops’ mission is to

UAE soldier and aid worker killed in Yemen attacks

A soldier and an aid worker from the United Arab Emirates have been killed in Yemen where their country is taking part in a Saudi-led military campaign against Iranian-allied Houthi militiamen, Emirati and Yemeni sources said on Saturday. The UAE’s

Yemen govt invited to U.N.-brokered peace talks

The Yemeni government has been invited to take part in a new round of U.N.-brokered talks with rebels to end the country’s seven-month-old conflict, spokesman Rajih Badi said Saturday. “We have received an invitation from U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon,

The media war of Yemen’s leaders

Abdulrahman al-Rashed

By : Abdulrahman al-Rashed After being banned by three main Arabic news channels, former Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh had to deliver his speech through Al-Mayadeen channel. Similarly, his partner in the insurgency, Abdul-Malak al-Houthi, leader of the Ansar Allah

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