Saudi Crown Prince, US Secretary of Defense discuss troop deployment

Saudi Crown Prince, US Secretary of Defense discuss troop deployment

:: Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman received a phone call on Wednesday from the US Secretary of Defense during which they discussed ongoing arrangements to send US troops of a More »

Saudi Energy Minister confirms restoration of Kingdom’s gas production capacity

Saudi Energy Minister confirms restoration of Kingdom’s gas production capacity

:: Saudi Arabia’s Minister of Energy confirmed on Wednesday the restoration of production capacity, affirming the Kingdom’s position as a reliable energy supplier in the global market. The energy minister, Prince Abdulaziz More »

Egypt calls Erdogan statements ‘ironic,’ accuses Turkey of sponsoring terrorism

Egypt calls Erdogan statements ‘ironic,’ accuses Turkey of sponsoring terrorism

:: Egypt’s foreign ministry spokesman, Ahmed Hafez, slammed Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s statements at the UN General Assembly this week where he urged the UN to “handle the suspicious death of More »

Saudi Crown Prince: Attacks are test of int’l resolve against destructive acts

Saudi Crown Prince: Attacks are test of int’l resolve against destructive acts

:: Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman said on Wednesday that the attacks on Saudi Aramco oil facilities are a test of international resolve in the face of destructive acts that More »

Saudi Crown Prince says attacks on oil facilities are a ‘dangerous escalation’

Saudi Crown Prince says attacks on oil facilities are a ‘dangerous escalation’

:: Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman said the recent attacks on Saudi Aramco facilities represented a “dangerous escalation not only toward the Kingdom but also the entire world.” The Crown More »


Tag Archives: Kuwait

UN urges Kuwait to abolish migrant labor system

A UN rights expert on Thursday urged Kuwait to abolish its ‘kafala’ system for foreign workers which has long been criticised as a form of bonded labor or even slavery. Under the system, domestic workers are forced to work long

Egypt’s Sisi: Long-term armed conflict in Yemen should be avoided

During Prime Minister Ahmed Obeid Bin Daghr’s visit to Egypt. President Abdel-Fattah el-Sisi stressed the importance of avoiding a long-term armed conflict in Yemen, at a meeting in Cairo on Monday, the state-owned MENA agency reported. Sisi emphasized the importance

Yemen government withdraws from Kuwait talks with rebels

Yemen’s government delegation has quit talks in Kuwait with Shiite Houthi rebels despite resuming them earlier this month. Officials with Yemen’s internationally recognized government of President Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi told The Associated Press they were considering proposals to reconvene

Yemen talks in Kuwait enter 60th day

Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed, the United Nations Special Envoy for Yemen, is set to brief the UN Security Council on Tuesday on the same day the talks in Yemen enters its third month, an Al Arabiya News Channel correspondent said.

Yemen FM: We will give talks ‘last chance’

Yemeni Foreign Minister Abdulmalik Mikhlafi who is leading the government negotiating team announced Saturday that he received regional and international guarantees to comply with the six points mentioned by the government delegation in Kuwait consultations. He added in a tweet

Yemen leader slams civilian evictions in south

Yemen’s president has criticized the “unacceptable” expulsion of hundreds of civilians from the southern cities of Aden and Taiz. The civilians were expelled by southern forces who claimed that they originated from the north of the country, which is controlled

Mall arrest after suicide vest mistake

Kuwaiti police arrested a man in a shopping mall suspected of wearing a suicide vest, local media reported. The only thing was the vest was an exercise jacket packed with weights rather than explosives. Concerned shoppers at the mall in

UN says ‘significant’ differences persist among Yemen foes

Yemen’s warring parties held a fifth day of peace talks in Kuwait on Monday after the UN envoy said “significant differences” still separate them. A UN spokesperson said the talks between the government and the Shiite Huthi rebels had resumed

Yemen peace talks resume in Kuwait

The fourth round of the UN-backed Yemen peace talks resumed on Sunday in Kuwait, with hopes of reaching an agreement after progress was made in yesterday’s meetings, the UAE’s state-run news agency reported. Representatives from the Iran-allied Houthi movement, who

UN confirms Yemen peace talks to begin

Yemen peace talks are to start on Thursday in Kuwait, the United Nations said, after militias agreed to join the delayed negotiations following assurances pro-government forces would respect a ceasefire. The talks are the most important attempt yet to resolve

Gulf, US agree joint patrols to block Iran arms

Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries and the United States have agreed to carry out joint patrols to stop any Iranian arms shipments reaching Yemen, the bloc’s secretary general, Abdullatif al-Zayani, said on Wednesday. Zayani was speaking at a news conference

Yemen’s ceasefire begins, FM warns of violations

Yemen’s foreign minister expressed alarm after reported breaches minutes after a ceasefire went into effect at 2100 GMT on Sunday in the country, just a week before the upcoming UN-sponsored peace talks in Kuwait. “Until now we do not know

Kuwait to deport 60 Lebanese for alleged Hezbollah links: report

Kuwait is to deport 60 Lebanese for alleged links to Hezbollah in the latest Gulf Arab move against the Shiite militant group, a newspaper reported on Monday. Those to be deported all had permanent residency which has been revoked, Al-Qabas

Kuwait security chief to Obama: We’re not free-riders

Kuwait is not a “free-rider” in US-led campaigns against terrorism and other threats, a senior Kuwaiti security official said on Thursday, rejecting comments by President Barack Obama critical of some US allies. Sheikh Thamer al-Sabah, President of Kuwait’s National Security

McCain: U.S. needs to streamline foreign arms sales approval process

The U.S. government needs to improve and accelerate its process for approving foreign arm sales, Senator John McCain said Thursday, warning that U.S. firms were losing billions of dollars of potential orders to countries like Russia. McCain, who heads the

Qatar, Kuwait ask citizens to leave Lebanon

Kuwait and Qatar have joined other Gulf States in asking their citizens to leave Lebanon, on Wednesday. The Qatari Ministry of Foreign Affairs called for all Qatari citizens not to travel to Lebanon, state-run news agency QNA reported. In a

North Thunder is reminder of Kuwait liberation force

North Thunder, one of the biggest military exercises in the region, which is currently taking place here, is a reminder of the force that was formed to counter Saddam Hussein’s invasion of Kuwait. About 25 years ago, Saudi Arabia hosted

Kuwait to sign multibillion-euro fighter jet deal with Italy

Kuwait and Italy will finalize a multibillion-euro deal next week for the Gulf state to purchase Eurofighter jets, Kuwait’s defense minister has said. Sheikh Khaled Jarrah Al-Sabah did not specify the number of planes involved in the deal but the

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