Saudi Crown Prince, US Secretary of Defense discuss troop deployment

Saudi Crown Prince, US Secretary of Defense discuss troop deployment

:: Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman received a phone call on Wednesday from the US Secretary of Defense during which they discussed ongoing arrangements to send US troops of a More »

Saudi Energy Minister confirms restoration of Kingdom’s gas production capacity

Saudi Energy Minister confirms restoration of Kingdom’s gas production capacity

:: Saudi Arabia’s Minister of Energy confirmed on Wednesday the restoration of production capacity, affirming the Kingdom’s position as a reliable energy supplier in the global market. The energy minister, Prince Abdulaziz More »

Egypt calls Erdogan statements ‘ironic,’ accuses Turkey of sponsoring terrorism

Egypt calls Erdogan statements ‘ironic,’ accuses Turkey of sponsoring terrorism

:: Egypt’s foreign ministry spokesman, Ahmed Hafez, slammed Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s statements at the UN General Assembly this week where he urged the UN to “handle the suspicious death of More »

Saudi Crown Prince: Attacks are test of int’l resolve against destructive acts

Saudi Crown Prince: Attacks are test of int’l resolve against destructive acts

:: Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman said on Wednesday that the attacks on Saudi Aramco oil facilities are a test of international resolve in the face of destructive acts that More »

Saudi Crown Prince says attacks on oil facilities are a ‘dangerous escalation’

Saudi Crown Prince says attacks on oil facilities are a ‘dangerous escalation’

:: Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman said the recent attacks on Saudi Aramco facilities represented a “dangerous escalation not only toward the Kingdom but also the entire world.” The Crown More »


Germany says it shares Saudi concerns on Iran and Hezbollah

:: German Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel said his country was concerned about Iran’s role in the region and noted that Berlin and Riyadh agreed on the external political role played by Iran in the region and the role of Hezbollah.

After US veto, UN General Assembly to meet on Jerusalem status

:: The 193-member United Nations General Assembly will hold a rare emergency special session on Thursday at the request of Arab and Muslim states on US President Donald Trump’s decision to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital. Palestinian UN envoy Riyad

Thick smog keeps schools closed for fourth day in Iran

:: Schools were closed for a fourth straight day in Tehran on Wednesday as dangerous air pollution covered the Iranian capital and traffic restrictions failed to clear the thick smog. Average airborne concentration of the finest and most hazardous particles

Trump unveils details of ‘America First’ security strategy

:: President Donald Trump declared a new national security strategy on Monday, stressing the “America first” message of his 2016 campaign and faulting previous US leaders for failing to measure up to it and look out for the nation’s citizens.

Egypt on high alert ahead of Christmas celebrations

:: Egypt’s Interior Ministry has ordered 230, 000 police officers to secure churches ahead of Christmas celebrations across the nation. A senior official at the ministry quoted by state-run news agency MENA said all security departments are on high alert

Arab coalition to keep main Yemen port open despite missile attack

:: The Saudi-led coalition fighting in Yemen has decided to keep Yemen’s main Hodeidah port open for a month, the coalition said on Wednesday, despite a ballistic missile attack by the Iran-aligned Houthis towards the Saudi capital Riyadh. The coalition,

US launches push at UN for action against Iran

:: The United States will in the coming days discuss several options for UN Security Council action against Iran such as sanctions for violating the arms embargo on Yemen, Ambassador Nikki Haley said Tuesday. During a council meeting on Iran,

Nikki Haley: Houthi missile on Saudi Arabia ‘bears hallmarks’ of Iran arms attacks

:: US Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley said a missile fired by Yemen’s Houthi group toward Riyadh on Tuesday “bears all the hallmarks of previous attacks using Iranian-provided weapons.” Saudi air defenses shot down the ballistic missile, the

Egyptian army: Officer killed in attack in North Sinai

:: An Egyptian military officer was killed and two other people were wounded in a shell attack on a military airport near the town of Arish in the North Sinai region on Tuesday, the army spokesman said in a statement

Most wanted man in Qatif attack killed in Saudi Arabia

:: News Agency sources confirmed that terrorist Salman Ali Salman al-Faraj was killed in Awamiya, eastern province of Saudi Arabia, after confrontations with the police forces. Al-Faraj is one of the most wanted men in the list of 23 terrorists

Saudi Crown Prince: Main aim of budget to improve citizen’s living standards

:: Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman affirmed that improving the standard of living for Saudi citizens is at the heart of the efforts being pursued by the Kingdom’s government to diversify the economy and achieve financial stability and generate

Egypt security forces kill five suspected militants in north

:: Egyptian security forces on Monday killed five suspected militants and arrested 10 others in raids in the north of the country, the interior ministry said in a statement. The suspects had planned attacks against public infrastructure and Christians and

Saudi Arabia announces largest budget in its history

:: King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, chaired the Saudi Cabinet’s session at Al-Yamamah Palace, on Tuesday, during which the State’s General Budget for the fiscal year 2018 was approved. King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud addressed the nation, announcing

Prince Fahd bin Mishaal elected vice-chairman of Saudi Aviation Club

Prince Fahd bin Mishaal Al-Saud

:: The board of directors of the Saudi Aviation Club (SAC) elected Prince Fahd bin Mishaal Al-Saud, the chairman of the GCC Aviation Authority, as vice-chairman of the board. This took place at the meeting of the general assembly which

Saudis welcome the world: ‘We’re not just oil traders’

Prince Sultan bin Salman

:: Saudi Arabia will begin issuing tourist visas in the first quarter of 2018, its top tourism official said, a first for the Kingdom as it undergoes major economic and social reforms. Prince Sultan bin Salman told AFP that “all

Saudi spending to top SR1 trillion in 2018

:: Saudi Arabia plans the highest level of government spending in its history next year when expenditure will hit more than SR1.1 trillion ($293 billion), according to Tuesday’s budget statement. Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman said that improving the standard

Houthi missile attack on Riyadh sparks global outrage

:: Iran-backed Houthi militias in Yemen fired another ballistic missile at Riyadh on Tuesday, this time targeting Al-Yamamah Royal Palace in the Saudi capital. “The missile was intercepted by Saudi Patriot defense systems south of Riyadh, causing the debris to

Iraqi refugee jailed 16 years in the US for supporting ISIS

:: A refugee from Iraq was sentenced by a Houston court Monday to 16 years in prison for seeking to join ISIS and learn bomb-making skills. Omar Faraj Saeed al-Hardan, a 25-year-old of Palestinian origin who was born in Iraq

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