Saudi Crown Prince, US Secretary of Defense discuss troop deployment

Saudi Crown Prince, US Secretary of Defense discuss troop deployment

:: Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman received a phone call on Wednesday from the US Secretary of Defense during which they discussed ongoing arrangements to send US troops of a More »

Saudi Energy Minister confirms restoration of Kingdom’s gas production capacity

Saudi Energy Minister confirms restoration of Kingdom’s gas production capacity

:: Saudi Arabia’s Minister of Energy confirmed on Wednesday the restoration of production capacity, affirming the Kingdom’s position as a reliable energy supplier in the global market. The energy minister, Prince Abdulaziz More »

Egypt calls Erdogan statements ‘ironic,’ accuses Turkey of sponsoring terrorism

Egypt calls Erdogan statements ‘ironic,’ accuses Turkey of sponsoring terrorism

:: Egypt’s foreign ministry spokesman, Ahmed Hafez, slammed Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s statements at the UN General Assembly this week where he urged the UN to “handle the suspicious death of More »

Saudi Crown Prince: Attacks are test of int’l resolve against destructive acts

Saudi Crown Prince: Attacks are test of int’l resolve against destructive acts

:: Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman said on Wednesday that the attacks on Saudi Aramco oil facilities are a test of international resolve in the face of destructive acts that More »

Saudi Crown Prince says attacks on oil facilities are a ‘dangerous escalation’

Saudi Crown Prince says attacks on oil facilities are a ‘dangerous escalation’

:: Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman said the recent attacks on Saudi Aramco facilities represented a “dangerous escalation not only toward the Kingdom but also the entire world.” The Crown More »


Category Archives: Asia

Nepal PM admits ‘delays’ in justice for Maoist war victims

Nepal Sunday marked the 10th anniversary of the peace deal that ended a bloody Maoist insurgency as the prime minister admitted that justice for its victims has been delayed. In a TV show late Saturday, Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal

Train Accident: 142 Dead, Many Still Stuck In Mangled Coaches

At least 120 people were killed and more than 150 injured when an Indian express train derailed in northern state of Uttar Pradesh on Sunday, with the toll set to rise amid a scramble to locate survivors. Police officials said

Climate change fuels insurgency in Afghanistan

After two winters without snow, Kabul residents are anxiously scouring the hills for the first flakes, wary that the depletion of this major source of water further fuels instability in Afghanistan. Historically speaking, a snowless year is highly unusual for

As battle in Mosul unfolds, ISIS looks to Pakistan for fresh recruits

ISIS is increasing its presence in Pakistan, recruiting Uzbek militants, attracting disgruntled Taliban fighters and partnering with one of Pakistan’s most violent sectarian groups, according to police officers, Taliban officials and analysts. Its latest atrocity was an attack Saturday on

Satellite images show Myanmar Muslim villages torched

Hundreds of buildings in Rohingya villages in western Myanmar have been torched, according to new satellite images released on Sunday as fresh fighting flared in the strife-torn region. Northern Rakhine, which is home to the Muslim Rohingya minority and borders

ISIS claims shrine blast in southwestern Pakistan

ISIS has claimed responsibility for an explosion at a Muslim shrine in southwestern Pakistan killed at least 43 people and wounded dozens of others, local officials said. Hashim Ghalzai, a local district commissioner, told Reuters that the toll was based

Clinton or Trump? It’s decision time for Americans

Americans will start heading to the polls in a few hours to vote in a historic election that will either see business magnate Donald Trump or former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton as the next US president. Democratic presidential candidate

Pakistan arrests militants over murder of famed singer

Pakistani police have arrested two militants accused of assassinating one of the country’s best known Sufi musicians, a provincial minister said Monday. Amjad Sabri, a renowned Qawwal or sufi singer was shot dead by two gunmen riding a motorcycle in

Tens of thousands protest in South Korea, call for president to quit

Tens of thousands of South Koreans protested in central Seoul on Saturday in one the largest demonstrations in the country’s capital for years, calling on embattled President Park Geun-hye to resign over a growing influence-peddling scandal. Roughly 43,000 people were

Kyrgyz man halts main airport with ‘bomb’ claim

Kyrgyzstan’s security service said Tuesday that a drunk man who halted operations at the country’s main airport with a false bomb scare was trying to stop his wife from leaving for Moscow. Ilya Eremeev, 30, phoned emergency services Monday and

Freed Indonesians recall Somali kidnap ordeal

Four Indonesian fishermen had an emotional reunion with their families Monday after returning home following a kidnap ordeal at the hands of Somali pirates, recalling the horrors they endured. Looking skinny, weak and tired, the sailors hugged their sobbing relatives

Afghan Taliban reveal relations with Iran

Mullah Zabihullah, the official spokesman of the “Afghan Taliban” and the second man in the movement revealed the presence of relations and new networks with Iran. “The movement is trying to benefit from all legitimate means to reach a regional

Indian Prime Minister Modi says ‘triple talaq’ divorce unjust

India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Monday criticized the controversial practice of triple talaq, which allows Muslim men to divorce their wives instantly with a single word, saying women should not face discrimination on religious grounds. Triple talaq divorce is

US general: Shoddy leaders contribute to rising Afghan military death rate

Basic leadership failures in many Afghan police and military units are helping drive casualty rates to ever-higher levels, the top US and NATO commander in Afghanistan warned Sunday. Afghan forces are nearing the end of their second year providing security

Duterte’s deference delights China but is questioned at home-grown

Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte’s effusive message of friendship on his visit to Beijing this week has handed China a public relations bonanza just three months after Beijing suffered a humiliating defeat at an international tribunal. The state-owned Chinese media that

Pakistan arrests two for spreading ISIS propaganda

Police arrested two men suspected of distributing pamphlets for ISIS following a raid in Peshawar, officials said on Wednesday, amid lingering fears that the Middle East militant group was making inroads in Pakistan. Last month, the military said that it

Fire in private hospital in eastern India kills 14

At least 14 people died on Monday when a fire broke out at a private hospital in the eastern Indian state of Odisha, officials said. The fire erupted inside the dialysis ward of the SUM hospital’s critical-care unit in the

Latest Taliban offensives kill dozens, displace thousands in Afghanistan

The Taliban’s latest offensives in the north and south of Afghanistan have killed dozens of people and displaced tens of thousands, officials said Monday. Earlier this month the militants launched a full-fledged attack on Kunduz, briefly entering the northern city

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