Trump receives first classified intelligence briefing

Democrats have raised concerns about whether Trump is fit to receive classified information, including President Barack Obama, who issued a thinly-veiled warning earlier this month.

Democrats have raised concerns about whether Trump is fit to receive classified information, including President Barack Obama, who issued a thinly-veiled warning earlier this month.

Donald Trump on Wednesday received his first classified intelligence briefing, a privilege reserved for presidential candidates from the two main political parties.

The Republican nominee attended the briefing — organized by the office of the director of national intelligence — in secure rooms of the FBI’s New York office, ABC television reported. Democrat Hillary Clinton is set to receive her briefings separately.

The sessions — designed to prepare candidates for the nation’s highest office in the event they win November’s general election — provide information about global threats against the United States.

However, Trump received no information about intelligence operations or espionage, NBC reported.

Two of his leading advisors, New Jersey Governor Chris Christie and retired general Michael Flynn — a former director of the Defense Intelligence Agency — also took part.

Democrats have raised concerns about whether Trump is fit to receive classified information, including President Barack Obama, who issued a thinly-veiled warning at a news conference earlier this month.

“If they want to be president, they have got to start acting like (a) president,” he said in a clear reference to Trump. “That means being able to receive these briefings and not spreading them around.”


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