Foreign schools required to teach Saudi history

Only Saudi and GCC citizens are allowed to invest in international schools.

Only Saudi and GCC citizens are allowed to invest in international schools.

American and other foreign schools are required to teach Arabic, Islamic civilization, and Saudi history and geography, according to conditions set by the Foreign and Private Education Department at the Education Ministry.

“International schools should also follow regulations set by the ministry for admission of Saudi students. They should get approval from authorities before admitting Saudi students or taking fees from them,” said Mohammed Al-Otaibi, director general of the department.

In a report carried by, he said the ministry has banned foreign investment in international and private schools. “Only Saudi and GCC citizens are allowed to invest in the sector,” he said. He said the schools under the ministry should respect Islamic rules, moral values and the Kingdom’s policies, adding that their curricula, textbooks and teachings should not violate these values and policies.

Speaking about teachers, Al-Otaibi said they should have a minimum qualification of a bachelor’s degree, specializing in education, at least two-years of experience, and their age should not exceed 60. “Qualified Saudis can teach at international schools and the ministry has plans to increase the number of Saudis working in the sector,” he pointed out.

He said there are 83 foreign community schools in the Kingdom, providing education to children belonging to 21 nationalities. “At these schools teachers belonging to the community are employed,” he said.

Al-Otaibi said international and community schools have to abide by the municipality’s conditions and should obtain safety certificates from the Civil Defense. They should also follow the bylaw set for them. He said a committee has been formed to investigate violations committed by international and foreign schools. Schools violating rules will be fined up to SR50,000. Authorities could close down schools when they violate license conditions, he pointed out.

“We have punished 73 foreign schools during this academic year,” he said.


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